Thursday, October 11, 2012

Norman K. Poppen, MD: First aid for broken bones

Norman K. Poppen MD Image Credit:

Orthopedic surgeons, such as Norman K. Poppen, M.D., always emphasize that bone fracture is a serious matter that requires immediate medical attention. In cases when you are with someone suffering from a broken bone caused by a major trauma or injury, Mayo Clinic suggests taking the following steps:

  • Call 911.

  • If the victim is not perspiring or if he has no heartbeat, begin performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

  • Apply pressure on the wound using a sterile bandage or a clean cloth to stop the bleeding.

  • Do not realign or push the bone that’s sticking out back in. If you are trained in how to splint, apply a splint to the area above and below the affected sites.

  • Norman K. Poppen, M.D., and other orthopedic experts highly recommend applying ice packs to the fracture to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Keep doing this until the emergency personnel arrive. Be sure to wrap the ice in a towel or some other material and don’t apply it directly to the skin. A little water in the ice pack will help it conform to the shape of the injury.

  • Have the victim lay down flat on his back and elevate his feet if he feels faint or is breathing in short, rapid breaths.

Norman K. Poppen MD Image Credit:

The most important thing to remember when attending to a victim of broken bones is helping them remain calm and keeping the affected area still to prevent further tissue damage. By learning these first aid basics, you can help save a life.

Norman K. Poppen MD Image Credit:

Norman K. Poppen, M.D., is affiliated with Sutter General Hospital and HealthSouth Alhambra Surgery Center. Follow this Twitter page for more.